

This repo contains some HTML pages I created while I was on the JET Programme in Kōchi Prefecture (2001-2004).

The code in this repo is terrible, since I had no idea what I was doing at the time. However, I’ve left it pretty much as it was written, except for any changes that needed to be performed to remove stale information, and allow the pages to be deployed to Github Pages and work as expected.

So, it simply stands as a historical record, and probably of interest to no one else but me.


For Sale

As I was about to leave Kōchi City for good, I made this page to sell my stuff. I think I had just learned how to mark up <table>s and use HTML tag attributes, but clearly things like indentation weren’t on my radar yet.

No idea where I hosted this page so that it could get seen by other JETs, but I have a feeling it was on No IP when they were a fledgling service and you could use it for free.

I don’t remember how much I ended up getting for any of this stuff, nor whether I was able to sell everything, but some of those prices seem downright delusional given how expensive it is to throw away hard rubbish in Japan. I kind of wish I still had that iMac and GameCube, though…

This page contains an English translation of the lunch menu for the Asahi Royal Hotel in Kōchi City (ホテル日航高知 旭ロイヤル), accurate as of 2nd March, 2004 (I don’t seem to have the original Japanese version, so you’ll just have to trust that it’s probably accurate enough). Unfortunately, Asahi Royal are no longer operating as of 31 March 2023.

Back on JET, in my quest to figure out some kind of relevant “internationalisation” work that I could do as a CIR, I came up with a plan to offer free English menu translations to restaurants, and Asahi Royal Hotel was one of the few to take me up on it. For Japanese readers, here are some articles from Kōchi Shinbun about it (not searchable on their site, so it seems the article was paper only):

Menu internationalisation


Category License
Content License: CC BY 4.0
Code License: MIT

All content in pages is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license, and all source code is licensed under the MIT license.

SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT AND CC-BY-4.0)