Check out steno coding demos of this post’s content in the video above!

I use the Human Interface Device (HID) specification to enable programs I write to communicate back and forth directly with my USB keyboards.

Specifically, I leverage the HIDAPI library to enable an Elgato Stream Deck Pedal to talk to my Georgi keyboard via my computer, and help me use steno chords to defeat demon hordes when playing Doom Typist.1

Georgi keyboard

…Which is all great, when it actually works. However, every time I would attempt to make a connection to the Georgi via my “host” program, sometimes it would work, sometimes not. The failures seemed to happen at completely random intervals, making gameplay frustrating. Was the problem with my code? The device? A platform (in my case macOS) related issue? Something else? I had no idea.

Example Host

Let’s illustrate the problem by recreating (and slightly simplifying) the example host program from the HIDAPI README file. It will:

  • Initialise the HID library
  • Attempt to connect to the Georgi using its Product ID and Vendor ID hexadecimal values (printing an error message and exiting if it fails)
  • Attempt to read the Georgi’s manufacturer string and print it out
  • Clean up and exit


#include <stdio.h> // printf
#include <wchar.h> // wchar_t
#include <hidapi.h> // hid_*

enum {
  PRODUCT_ID = 0x1337,
  MAX_LENGTH = 255

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // Initialize the hidapi library

  // Open the Georgi using the VID, PID.
  hid_device *handle = hid_open(VENDOR_ID, PRODUCT_ID, NULL);
  if (!handle) {
    printf("Unable to open device\n");
    return 1;

  // Read the Manufacturer String
  wchar_t manufacturer[MAX_LENGTH];
  hid_get_manufacturer_string(handle, manufacturer, MAX_LENGTH);
  printf("Manufacturer String: %ls\n", manufacturer);

  // Close the device

  // Finalize the hidapi library

  return 0;

Now, compile the file with gcc (and pkg-config to bring in the HIDAPI library):

gcc $(pkg-config --cflags --libs hidapi) host.c -o host

And, this was the output of running the host file a few times:

$ ./host
Manufacturer String: g Heavy Industries
$ ./host
Unable to open device
$ ./host
Manufacturer String: g Heavy Industries
$ ./host
Manufacturer String: g Heavy Industries
$ ./host
Unable to open device
$ ./host
Unable to open device
$ ./host
Unable to open device
$ ./host
Unable to open device
$ ./host
Unable to open device
$ ./host
Manufacturer String: g Heavy Industries

Looks like pretty random failures to me! There is probably not much more we can do with the host file at the moment, so it would seem the next step in getting to the bottom of this problem would be to dive one level deeper, and see what happens when an attempt to open a device is made.

Opening Devices

From the API in the host code, we can see that the hid_open function is responsible for opening devices, so let’s check out the HIDAPI codebase and see what it does:


hid_device * hid_open(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short product_id, const wchar_t *serial_number)
    struct hid_device_info *devs, *cur_dev;
    const char *path_to_open = NULL;
    hid_device *handle = NULL;

    devs = hid_enumerate(vendor_id, product_id);
    cur_dev = devs;
    while (cur_dev) {
        if (cur_dev->vendor_id == vendor_id && cur_dev->product_id == product_id) {
            // ... serial_number-related code snipped for brevity ...
            path_to_open = cur_dev->path;
        cur_dev = cur_dev->next;

    if (path_to_open) {
        /* Open the device */
        handle = hid_open_path(path_to_open);


    return handle;

This code retrieves a list of devices that match the vendor and product IDs (hid_enumerate)2. It then attempts to open the first device it finds in that list where the IDs match (hid_open_path), and returns a handle reference to it. Even if the handle to the device is not NULL, it is unknown at this point whether it can be read from or written to.

This code surprised me because I would have thought that given a set of IDs, that are presumably unique (…but I guess not…?3), there would only ever be one device that would get opened. So, given that the host code works sometimes, it seems that when hid_enumerate is called, the Georgi is sometimes the first device in the returned list (and hence opened successfully), but sometimes not, resulting in the attempted opening of…some other device…?

Regardless, what I do know is that the host code will need to change to reflect the dynamic ordering of the list provided from hid_enumerate, and will need to deal with potentially performing a hid_get_manufacturer_string function call against each device in that list, until it gets back a successful response.

Before starting on those changes, though, how can we find out what devices are actually showing up where we do not expect them? Is there something we can use to show us what HIDAPI is seeing? Thankfully, yes.

Testing the HID API

hidapitester is a command-line tool that can test out every API call in the HIDAPI library. Let’s first use it to get the lay of the device land by asking it to just list the available devices that are on my computer:

$ ./hidapitester --list
05AC/8104: Apple -
05AC/8104: Apple -
05AC/0342: Apple Inc. - Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
05AC/0342: Apple Inc. - Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
0000/0000: Apple -
0000/0000: Apple - Headset
05AC/0342: Apple Inc. - Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
0FD9/0086: Elgato - Stream Deck Pedal
05AC/8104: Apple -
05AC/8104: Apple -
05AC/0342:  - Keyboard Backlight
0000/0000: Apple -
0000/0000: APPL - BTM
0000/0000: Apple -
05AC/0342: Apple Inc. - Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
05AC/0342: Apple Inc. - Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
05AC/0342: Apple Inc. - Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
05AC/0342: Apple Inc. - Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
0000/0000: Apple -

Aside from lots of random Apple-related entries, we can see 6 devices that identify as the Georgi with a 0xFEED/0x1337 VID/PID combination, and they seem to be in 2 groupings(?), consisting of 1 and 5 entries. Compare that to the easy-to-distinguish Elgato Stream Deck Pedal, with just a single device detected.

So, which one of these is the “real” Georgi? Let’s further refine the hidapitester command and see if we can print out more details:

./hidapitester --vidpid FEED:1337 --list-detail
FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
  vendorId:      0xFEED
  productId:     0x1337
  usagePage:     0xFF60
  usage:         0x0061
  interface:     1
  path: DevSrvsID:4294971346

FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
  vendorId:      0xFEED
  productId:     0x1337
  usagePage:     0x0001
  usage:         0x0006
  interface:     0
  path: DevSrvsID:4294971342

FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
  vendorId:      0xFEED
  productId:     0x1337
  usagePage:     0x0001
  usage:         0x0002
  interface:     0
  path: DevSrvsID:4294971342

FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
  vendorId:      0xFEED
  productId:     0x1337
  usagePage:     0x0001
  usage:         0x0001
  interface:     0
  path: DevSrvsID:4294971342

FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
  vendorId:      0xFEED
  productId:     0x1337
  usagePage:     0x0001
  usage:         0x0080
  interface:     0
  path: DevSrvsID:4294971342

FEED/1337: g Heavy Industries - Georgi
  vendorId:      0xFEED
  productId:     0x1337
  usagePage:     0x000C
  usage:         0x0001
  interface:     0
  path: DevSrvsID:4294971342

The details have provided us with extra hexadecimal values called “usage page” and “usage”, and a number for an “interface”4.

Since we have five entries with an interface value of 0, and one with 1, that would seem to explain the “groupings” we saw earlier in the device list. But what does this new set of “usage” hexadecimal numbers mean?


The concept of “usage” and “usage pages” in the context of HIDAPI is, I think, best described in this article:

“An HID usage is a numeric value referring to a standardized input or output. Usage values allow a device to describe the intended use of the device […]. For example, one is defined for the left button of a mouse. Usages are also organized into usage pages, which provide an indication of the high-level category of the device or report.

Hexadecimal numbers are a bit abstract in conveying what this “intended use” really means, but, fortunately for us, we can use the Web HID Explorer to get some more human-readable information:

Interface 0

productName: Georgi
vendorId:    0xFEED (65261) Unknown vendor
productId:   0x1337 (4919)
opened:      false
  Usage: 0001:0006 (Generic Desktop > Keyboard)
  Usage: 0001:0002 (Generic Desktop > Mouse)
  Usage: 0001:0080 (Generic Desktop > System Control)
  Usage: 000C:0001 (Consumer > Consumer Control)
  Input reports: 0x04
  Usage: 0001:0006 (Generic Desktop > Keyboard)
Input report 0x04
  16 bits (bits 0 to 15)
    Usages: 000C:0001 (Consumer > Consumer Control) to 000C:02A0 (Consumer > AC Soft Key Left)
    Logical bounds: 1 to 672

Interface 1

productName: Georgi
vendorId:    0xFEED (65261) Unknown vendor
productId:   0x1337 (4919)
opened:      true
  Usage: FF60:0061 (Vendor-defined page 0xFF60 usage 0x0061)
  Input reports: 0x00
  Output reports: 0x00
Input report 0x00
  32 values * 8 bits (bits 0 to 255)
    Usage: FF60:0062 (Vendor-defined page 0xFF60 usage 0x0062)
    Logical bounds: 0 to 255
Output report 0x00
  32 values * 8 bits (bits 0 to 255)
    Usage: FF60:0063 (Vendor-defined page 0xFF60 usage 0x0063)
    Logical bounds: 0 to 255

I guess in the end we can consider the human-readable information “nice to know”, but my main takeaway from all this would be that the usagePage:usage pair feel quite similar to the vid:pid pair, in terms of their hierarchical relationship to each other.

Anyway, it seems we will need to use all four values in the host code in order to make a stable connection to a device. However, there is no real way to know in advance which usage values will successfully open up that connection (even the information above does not hint at that…at least, not that I can see). Therefore, the host code will need to be changed to handle the following scenarios:

  • Where a usagePage:usage pair are not present, loop over the vid:pid-matching devices, and attempt to make a connection with each one until successful. Also, log out the device details on each attempt, so we can find out which usage values to use on future attempts so that…
  • Where a usagePage:usage pair are present, loop over the vid:pid-matching devices until a match is found for the usage values, and only attempt to make a connection with that device

Let’s give it a try!

Host with Usage

First, let’s change the host code to make a connection with each device in the list until it is successful, rather than just blindly return the list’s first device. Instead of calling hid_open, let’s adapt its internals to fit our needs:


// ...

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // ...

  hid_device *handle = NULL;
  struct hid_device_info *devices, *current_device;
  // Enumerate over the Georgi devices using the VID, PID.
  devices = hid_enumerate(VENDOR_ID, PRODUCT_ID);
  current_device = devices;

  while (current_device) {
    unsigned short int usage_page = current_device->usage_page;
    unsigned short int usage = current_device->usage;

    printf("Opening -- Usage (page): 0x%hX (0x%hX)...\n", usage, usage_page);
    handle = hid_open_path(current_device->path);

    if (!handle) {
      printf("Unable to open device\n");
      current_device = current_device->next;



  // Read the Manufacturer String if handle valid
  if (handle) {
    wchar_t manufacturer[MAX_LENGTH];
    hid_get_manufacturer_string(handle, manufacturer, MAX_LENGTH);
    printf("Manufacturer String: %ls\n", manufacturer);
  } else {
    printf("Unable to open any devices for 0x%hX:0x%hX\n", VENDOR_ID, PRODUCT_ID);

  // Finalize the hidapi library

  return 0;

Compiling and running the changed host file a couple of times gives us the following output:

$ ./host
Opening -- Usage (page): 0x6 (0x1)...
Unable to open device
Opening -- Usage (page): 0x2 (0x1)...
Unable to open device
Opening -- Usage (page): 0x1 (0x1)...
Unable to open device
Opening -- Usage (page): 0x80 (0x1)...
Unable to open device
Opening -- Usage (page): 0x1 (0xc)...
Unable to open device
Opening -- Usage (page): 0x61 (0xff60)...
Manufacturer String: g Heavy Industries
$ ./host
Opening -- Usage (page): 0x61 (0xff60)...
Manufacturer String: g Heavy Industries

Great! We get a successful connection every time at usage FF60:61, and can confidently say that is our target device. Now, since every connection we open exerts a time cost, let’s change the host code to skip devices that we now know will not give us a successful connection, while still handling the possibility that we may not know the usage values of other devices we may want to connect to:


// ...

enum {
  // ...
  // Set usage values to 0 if unknown.
  USAGE_PAGE = 0xFF60,
  USAGE = 0x61

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // ...
  int usage_known = (USAGE_PAGE != 0) && (USAGE != 0);

  while (current_device) {
    // ...
    unsigned short int usage_page = current_device->usage_page;
    unsigned short int usage = current_device->usage;

    if (usage_known && (usage_page != USAGE_PAGE || usage != USAGE)) {
      printf("Skipping -- Usage (page): 0x%hX (0x%hX)\n", usage, usage_page);
      current_device = current_device->next;

    // ...
    handle = hid_open_path(current_device->path);

    if (!handle) {
      printf("Unable to open device\n");
      if (usage_known) {
      } else {
        current_device = current_device->next;

    // ...

  // ...

Compiling and running these changes a couple of times gives us the following output:

$ ./host
Skipping -- Usage (page): 0x6 (0x1)
Skipping -- Usage (page): 0x2 (0x1)
Skipping -- Usage (page): 0x1 (0x1)
Skipping -- Usage (page): 0x80 (0x1)
Skipping -- Usage (page): 0x1 (0xc)
Opening -- Usage (page): 0x61 (0xff60)...
Manufacturer String: g Heavy Industries
$ ./host
Opening -- Usage (page): 0x61 (0xff60)...
Manufacturer String: g Heavy Industries

It works! And, if you have been following along (with your own Georgi or other keyboard of choice), you will notice that successful connections are now made much faster, even if you do not hit the target device on the first try!

So, if you ever find yourself writing custom firmware that connects to HID devices, remember to always include the usage values, as well as vendor/product IDs, to ensure you can get a stable connection.

The complete code for the host file is below, but you can also get it from its GitHub repo here:

#include <stdio.h> // printf
#include <wchar.h> // wchar_t
#include <hidapi.h> // hid_*

enum {
  PRODUCT_ID = 0x1337,
  // Set usage values to 0 if unknown.
  USAGE_PAGE = 0xFF60,
  USAGE = 0x61,
  MAX_LENGTH = 255

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  // Initialize the hidapi library

  hid_device *handle = NULL;
  struct hid_device_info *devices, *current_device;
  // Enumerate over the Georgi devices using the VID, PID.
  devices = hid_enumerate(VENDOR_ID, PRODUCT_ID);
  current_device = devices;
  int usage_known = (USAGE_PAGE != 0) && (USAGE != 0);

  while (current_device) {
    unsigned short int usage_page = current_device->usage_page;
    unsigned short int usage = current_device->usage;

    if (usage_known && (usage_page != USAGE_PAGE || usage != USAGE)) {
      printf("Skipping -- Usage (page): 0x%hX (0x%hX)\n", usage, usage_page);
      current_device = current_device->next;

    printf("Opening -- Usage (page): 0x%hX (0x%hX)...\n", usage, usage_page);
    handle = hid_open_path(current_device->path);

    if (!handle) {
      printf("Unable to open device\n");
      if (usage_known) {
      } else {
        current_device = current_device->next;



  // Read the Manufacturer String if handle valid
  if (handle) {
    wchar_t manufacturer[MAX_LENGTH];
    hid_get_manufacturer_string(handle, manufacturer, MAX_LENGTH);
    printf("Manufacturer String: %ls\n", manufacturer);
  } else {
    printf("Unable to open any devices for 0x%hX:0x%hX\n", VENDOR_ID, PRODUCT_ID);

  // Finalize the hidapi library

  return 0;

If you are interested in seeing other host code containing more robust error handling, and the reading and writing of custom information to and from a device, check out my HID Hosts GitHub repository.

  1. I’ve written about playing Doom [1993] with steno in Steno Gaming: Doom Typist, but the mechanics around making communication possible between the Georgi, Elgato pedal, and Plover probably warrants its own blog post. If you’re game, you can check out the code specifics in the following GitHub repos: HID Hosts, Steno Tape, and my Georgi firmware

  2. Yes, technically, it is a pointer to a linked list of hid_device_info structs, but that detail can be glossed over in this context. 

  3. Vendor IDs are meant to be globally unique, while product IDs are meant to be unique within the scope of a vendor ID. The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) is the “authority which assigns and maintains all USB Vendor ID Numbers” (a vendor ID costs US$6000 as of this writing). Also, apparently “unauthorized use of assigned or unassigned USB Vendor ID Numbers is strictly prohibited”. However, a search of popular hobbyist keyboard firmware QMK’s codebase reveals that hundreds of devices aside from the Georgi use 0xFEED as their vendor ID (it seems to be QMK’s arbitrarily assigned default vendor ID). So, we can conclude that:

    • the 0xFEED vendor ID does not belong exclusively to the Georgi
    • enforcement of vendor ID uniqueness is lax/non-existent
    • we cannot rely on the VID/PID combo alone to open a connection to a device: we need more information to target it correctly

  4. Since I could not find any references on the web that describe what an “interface” means within the context of HIDAPI, ChatGPT says that it “can represent a specific device or a group of similar devices that share a common way of communicating with the computer. These interfaces are identified by interface numbers and can have different features, reports, and capabilities depending on the type of HID device”. I am not sure why the Georgi would need multiple ways to communicate with the computer, but I am just going to consider this an implementation detail we do not need to concern ourselves with. Also, as an aside, I cannot believe we are at the stage where I am quoting AI… 

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